Monday, April 1, 2013

Prayer Initiative- With Many Infallible Proofs

April 1, 2014

Hey Everyone,

I am writing to let you know about a prayer burden that has been growing in me since just before I left for Nigeria. 

The week before I left, our church in Boise entered into a time of extended prayer for Saeed Abedini, an American citizen but of Iranian descent who is being held in prison in Iran for the gospel.  There has been international pressure placed on Iran for his release but so far Saeed is still held in prison and suffers daily beatings and torturing. 

As we prayed that day I felt like the Lord showed me that there was a tremendous opportunity to begin to pray for Iran and indeed for all Muslims of the world.  The reason was that Saeed has written to his family that he forgives his captors.  This means that he is blessing those who curse him and in so doing I felt that the Lord showed me that a door of opportunity was being opened through Saeed’s suffering and prayers of forgiveness.  If God’s people would concentrate prayer on Iran, I believe that we would see a great move of God in that country and a shift in the political climate.  I strongly believe that God intends to move powerfully among the Muslims of the world and prayer is the first step in partnering with God in this endeavor. 

That is why, beginning tomorrow, April 1st Suzanne are going to start praying for the physical release of Saeed and the spiritual release of his captors (which essentially includes all of Islam) for the next 50 days.  This will span from Easter to Pentecost, which is seven weeks and one day. 

We have chosen this time period because for forty days after the resurrection Jesus showed himself alive to his disciples “with many infallible proofs” and then ten days later he sent the Holy Spirit.  After we decided on this time period, I spoke today with Saeed’s wife, Naghmeh Abedini and she told me that Saeed was saved on the day of Pentecost 13 years ago.  What a coincidence!!!

Therefore, I am looking for men and women of prayer to join Suzanne and I over the next 50 days to pray for Saeed’s release but also for an unprecedented release of revelation of the resurrected Jesus among the Muslim people’s of the world. 

We are calling the prayer initiative- With Many Infallible Proofs.    

There is more that I could share about this but for now I just want to send out the invitation and invite as many of you as feel inclined to join us to pray. 

Brian Harrison

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