Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The Restoration of Apostolic Christianity

When people read the book of Acts, there is often a deep desire to see and experience what is described there in the early church.  It is not so much the desire to go back to the primitive lifestyles that they had. What is so intoxicating is that sense of the nearness of the presence of God upon the lives of the early believers.  It is Heaven’s interaction with the earth that believers long to see.  And this is at the core of what apostolic Christianity is.

Apostolic Christianity involves a cooperative dynamic between heaven and earth that advances the righteous cause of the God’s will in the earth.

It is not just going through the motions of the Christian life, or even pursuing the Christian disciplines.  It is more than having good relationships although relationships are at the core of the matter. It is more than social justice.  It is also more than preaching the gospel for the conversion of a soul.

Apostolic Christianity is that special moment when God himself begins to rest on the church’s endeavors. 

It is when the church's activities begin to coincide with the Lord's ministry of reconciliation.  It is more than reaching out to your neighbors but it is God reaching out to your neighbors through you.  It is more than friendship, its communion.  It is more than love, it looking into someone’s face in God's presence.  It manifests in a thousand different ways and yet it is all apart of the whole heavenly invasion of the earth.  It is more than feeling sorry for a hurting person; it is being moved with divine compassion with results bigger than can be explained. 

Apostolic Christianity is what we have always longed for and thought that the Christian life ought to be only more...  It is reaching out in Christ's name, not in drudgery but in sheer joy, an internal explosion of love that cannot be explained by anything other than the uplift of God's presence reinforcing the impact of our efforts.

Now, a person is not just trying to find the words to witness for Christ; because the spirit of Christ is witnessing to Himself supplying both thoughts and words while abiding in the atmosphere adding His confirming presence.  Now, one is not just praying for the sick; Christ is praying for the sick through them.  Now, one is not trying to console the brokenhearted, the presence of God is consoling them from within.

Apostolic Christianity insists on the presence of a real God in the real world.  It assumes divine intervention because the Gospel is based upon divine intervention.  That is what the "good news" is.  God intervened.    

Apostolic Christianity began the day Christ was raised from the dead.  Unfortunately, for whatever reason, a vast percentage of the church lost contact with and awareness of the Kingdom’s presence and activity on the earth and much Christian expression became nothing more than a man focused religion.

The blessed reality is that the restoration of Apostolic Christianity is happening as the present day church awakens to the activity of God in the earth.   Many are realizing that the early church’s experience is not just a onetime event but is meant to be a pattern of things to come.   True Christianity is supernatural and it is meant for everybody.

The divine activity of the kingdom of God has never left the earth nor has it diminished.  "Of the increase of His government and of peace there shall be no end."  Isaiah 9:7.  It continues to advance as God’s people love unconditionally and suffer without complaining all the while knowing that all things work together for good for them that love God.

But tangible presence of God's kingdom is being rediscovered by many.  The church is awakening to a lost heritage and privilege.  That privilege is hosting the presence of God, cooperating with His purposes and displaying His wisdom and glory.     

Here is a radical thought for you; Apostolic Christianity is not just the work of God alone.  It is also the work of man.  It is a work of cooperation between God and man.  Man cannot pull it off without the very real involvement of God.  And God will not do it without man.  Jacob called it “the dance of the two camps.”  See Genesis 32:1,2.  Apostolic Christianity is heaven and earth reconciled and cooperating to see the life of God in full manifestation.  A person cannot fake it, because it takes two to tango.  God won't fake it because "He is light and in Him is no darkness at all."   But it is here now for those who are willing to sell everything and buy in.  "Let him who has an ear, hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."    

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.”  And the two, heaven and earth, were always meant to be partners.  

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